Building Self-Confidence through Goal Setting

April 26, 2009

Ever had one of those days (or months, or years) in your life when nothing went the way you wanted and everything you touched turned to shit? Perhaps you’re going through that stage in your life right now and lack the self-confidence to change your situation. I used to suffer with low self-esteem and self-confidence […]


Do You Have a Destructive Dating Pattern?

April 19, 2009

Do you have a habit of dating the same men (or women) over and over again? Can’t figure out why you keep dating Mr or Miss Wrong? Your emotional scars from old relationships can mar your relationship choices and your interactions within those relationships. In this article, I am going to get you to answer […]


Do Your Family and Friends Support Changes in Your Life?

April 12, 2009

Have you ever made an enormous change in your life? How did your family and friends react? Did they support you, or did they try to knock you off the path you wanted to follow? You can’t underestimate the importance of a good support network in your life. When you want to change your life […]


Meeting New People Without Your Partner

April 5, 2009

One thing I used to find particularly difficult after coming out of serious, long term relationships was the awkwardness of being single at parties, dinners, and other social occasions. A partner by your side for social occasions is comforting when you hardly know anyone else in the room. You always have one another to communicate […]