The “Fuck This” Moment in Abusive Relationships

December 11, 2011

Everyone has had a “fuck this” moment. It’s that moment in which you became painfully aware that you deserve more out of a relationship than what you are getting. Even emotionally-beaten domestic violence victims have fleeting moments where they realise their self-worth. I clearly remember the night that I was arguing with my abuser when […]


How To Navigate An Emotional Break-up

July 30, 2011

Ladies, hands up for those of you whose dating record includes at least one guy who handles break-ups with the epitome of immaturity. You know the type. The guy who immediately posts up pictures of himself with other women on Facebook, writes status updates slamming his ex or women in general, is blatantly rude to […]


Relationship Reasoning

March 5, 2011

I took a sip of my soy chai latte as I listened to the woman sitting across from me. She was attractive – long hair, lovely figure, bright eyes, and a big smile. It wasn’t just her looks though. She was vivacious, bouncy, and friendly. This woman was smart and motivated. She had many interests […]


Why Nice Girls Love Bad Boys

January 14, 2011

Ever wondered why bad boys get laid so often, while nice guys get kicked to the curb? What is it about that guy you know is a no-hoper, but seems to be a total chick magnet? Enter the Bad Boy He’s that guy with the tattoos and piercings everywhere. The foul-mouthed smart-arse who says exactly […]


Following Your Heart

November 23, 2010

Feeling happy is about following your heart rather than trying to fit some arbitrary ideal. Often, the major mental blocks to living the life we want are concern over other people’s opinions and our tendency to catastrophise future events. We place so much importance on these projections that we stifle our souls and sacrifice our […]


Love and Connection 101

October 26, 2010

Weird stuff happens whenever I feel disconnected from other people. Technology especially has an amazingly regular habit of malfunctioning. My Internet connection gets flaky. My mobile phone falls off the network and flat-out refuses to receive messages for days at a time. Saying I feel disconnected from other people is really just a synonym for […]


A New Direction

September 20, 2010

“I was once asked why I don’t participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I’ll be there.” – Mother Teresa I used to think anti-war and pro-peace were the same thing. They are not. “Pro-peace” means in favour of peace. “Anti-war” […]


Scared to Love

September 18, 2010

We live in a scared society. Scared to tell one another how we really feel. Scared to tell one another what we really want. Scared to share our hopes. Scared to share our dreams. Scared of being ourselves. Scared to love. Scared to hurt. Scared of rejection. Scared of people seeing who we really are. […]


Do You Really Know Yourself?

March 14, 2010

Who are you? Really, answer the question. I’ll wait. In fact, I’ll answer it too. If someone asked me that question, for the sake of social convenience I would answer something like this: I’m Taz, a 20-something year old Brisbanite. I’m professional web designer/developer. I follow a vegan diet. I’m a former domestic violence victim turned […]


Control Your Life, Don’t Let Life Control You

May 17, 2009

We often fall into the mindset that we have no control over our lives. Usually, we like to play victim when things aren’t going so well – maybe our job sucks, we’re overweight, we’re in an unsatisfying relationship, or we’re lonely. We’ll blame whatever shortcomings exist in our lives on our past, bad luck, or […]