Control Your Life, Don’t Let Life Control You

May 17, 2009

We often fall into the mindset that we have no control over our lives. Usually, we like to play victim when things aren’t going so well – maybe our job sucks, we’re overweight, we’re in an unsatisfying relationship, or we’re lonely. We’ll blame whatever shortcomings exist in our lives on our past, bad luck, or […]


Building Self-Confidence through Goal Setting

April 26, 2009

Ever had one of those days (or months, or years) in your life when nothing went the way you wanted and everything you touched turned to shit? Perhaps you’re going through that stage in your life right now and lack the self-confidence to change your situation. I used to suffer with low self-esteem and self-confidence […]


Meeting New People Without Your Partner

April 5, 2009

One thing I used to find particularly difficult after coming out of serious, long term relationships was the awkwardness of being single at parties, dinners, and other social occasions. A partner by your side for social occasions is comforting when you hardly know anyone else in the room. You always have one another to communicate […]


The Power of Forgiveness – How to Forgive Someone

February 7, 2009

Has someone ever hurt you so badly that you just can’t muster the power to forgive them? As a domestic violence victim, I was shoved, hit, and sexually and emotionally abused by my partner. Perhaps you’ve been through a similar situation, and are hanging onto a lot of pain and anger. If that’s the case, […]


Learn to Love Yourself, Respect Yourself, and Take Responsibility for Your Relationship

January 30, 2009

I am fortunate enough to come from a very tight-knit and loving family. My parents have been together for over 35 years and are still very much in love. Neither of my parents has ever laid a finger on the other. In fact, I’ve never even heard my parents yell at each other. They’re always […]


Positive Affirmations

January 29, 2009

Being a victim of domestic violence can completely shatter your self-esteem and self-confidence. Daily positive affirmations were one of my first steps in releasing myself from my negative self-image and regaining confidence in myself. Here are some of the positive affirmations I used: I love and accept myself just the way I am I deserve […]


Strong Woman Songs!

January 28, 2009

The first few days of breaking up with someone are always the hardest. This is especially true if you’re in a co-dependent, abusive relationship. Music is a powerful healer. I listened to the Strong Woman Songs below to help me through my break-up and emotional distress. I hope you find them helpful too. Strong Woman […]


How to End Unfulfilling and Toxic Relationships

January 27, 2009

Over the last two years I’ve ended numerous toxic relationships in my life. There are many ways you can end unfulfilling relationships. Some are tactful. Some are harsh. Some are easy. Some take a lot of courage. All have their place in the right circumstances. I should clarify that by ‘relationships’ I’m not only referring […]


Troubled Relationships – Avoid Casual Advice and Learn to Trust Yourself

January 24, 2009

Every now and then, someone asks me for advice on their troubled relationship. I always feel honoured when people trust me enough to share their deepest feelings with me. I like listening to people, am fascinated by relationships, and I’m happy to discuss feelings and empathise until the cows come home. What I am wary […]