Sunk Costs in Relationships

September 30, 2019

Recently, an old friend who I was staying with asked me if I wanted to sleep with him. I declined. To cut a long story short, he got upset, angry, used his physical size to try to intimidate me, and kicked me out of the house. Leaving aside the mismatched expectations, what went wrong in […]


Building Trust in Open Relationships

January 24, 2014

Trust is the cornerstone of every good relationship. It is the foundation of a strong bond. To trust another person is to feel a sense of security that someone has your back, the confidence that they’ll be there for you when you need them, and the comfort of knowing that whatever you face in life, […]


Relationship Jumping and Emotional Dependence

December 25, 2013

The aftermath of a relationship’s demise is a mental minefield. Emotions are in overdrive. Hormones go haywire. Self-doubt spikes. Self-esteem dive-bombs. It’s a tough gig to get up day after day, apply a touch of smile, a sweet scent of civility, and breeze unfalteringly through yet another routine day without raising suspicion that your soul […]


Loving Responsibly: An Exploration of Open Relationships

December 3, 2013

I love relationships. I love writing about them. I love experiencing them. I love learning about the people with whom I connect. There is nothing more rewarding than feeling another person open up and trust you, accept you for who you are, behold you with a sense of deep care and affection, and vice versa. […]


The “Fuck This” Moment in Abusive Relationships

December 11, 2011

Everyone has had a “fuck this” moment. It’s that moment in which you became painfully aware that you deserve more out of a relationship than what you are getting. Even emotionally-beaten domestic violence victims have fleeting moments where they realise their self-worth. I clearly remember the night that I was arguing with my abuser when […]


Dealing with Jealousy in a Relationship

September 30, 2011

At first, it seems fairly innocuous. You’ve just started dating. You love each other’s company. You want to spend every moment together. It’s mutual. It’s normal. You feel so special, because your new guy wants to spend all of his time with you. Then it starts. Relationship Jealousy: The Red Flags You notice that he […]


How To Navigate An Emotional Break-up

July 30, 2011

Ladies, hands up for those of you whose dating record includes at least one guy who handles break-ups with the epitome of immaturity. You know the type. The guy who immediately posts up pictures of himself with other women on Facebook, writes status updates slamming his ex or women in general, is blatantly rude to […]


Resolving Relationship Conflict Effectively

July 1, 2011

“You were so hard on your ex-boyfriend. Every tiny little thing that he did wrong, you’d just bring the book down on his head. Hard.” That was something my brother said to me about one of my previous relationships. It has stuck in my head ever since. Of course, I didn’t see it that way […]


Does He Love Me? Self-Esteem & Relationships

June 4, 2011

Congratulations! You’ve met the “perfect” guy. You have heaps of chemistry, but there’s a small caveat: he’s been “hurt in the past” and “isn’t ready for a relationship just yet” so you’re “taking things slow” and giving him plenty of “space” to “help him work through his feelings” without “pressure.” Oh! Oh! Let me guess…your […]


Assertion and Popularity

April 28, 2011

I recently met a young hippie Brazilian woman whom I admired. It wasn’t because she had a luscious mane of thick, curly hair with volume I could only dream about (even with five bottles of super-hold mousse and an industrial-strength hairdryer). It wasn’t because she had fabulous abs and muscle tone to die for. It […]